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Самое древнее дерево Кипра. Деревня Апесия. Лимассол.

1500 лет дереву

В кипрской деревне Апесия, возле г.Лимассола, на южном склоне хребта Троодоса произрастает дерево, которому 1500 лет.

Местные жители называют его Тремифос Св. Георгия.

Этому чуду природы удалось выжить в течение стольких веков за счет проточной воды в подповерхностном слое горной почвы.

Дерево охраняется и считается одним из старейших растений всего мира.


Have a read of the report and take a look at the slide show of the fire of August 2002 which nearly reached Apesia

ONE of Cyprus' most picturesque river valleys was reduced to cinders yesterday when several fires swept downhill from Trimiklini to Alassa village in Limassol. Police arrested 7 young people who were being interrogated at Lania Police Station in connection with the devastating fire. They were mostly 20-21 year old students from Limassol. The fire was rekindled last night and was raging out of control towards the village of Apesia.

The fire-fighting effort, involving the fire service, the National Guard and helicopters, including several from the British Bases, was strained by two other big fires. one between Pachna and Prastio and the other near Moniatis. Worst hit by the fire in Trimiklini valley was the village of Alassa, right on the southern edge of the Kourris dam, inhabitants to us that the flames reached the village at about 1 pm and before they knew it they were surrounded by an inferno. A cafe-restaurant on a hilltop overlooking the village was badly damaged and a carton factory near was completely destroyed in a thick cloud of billowing smoke. The flames leapt into the yards of private houses, destroying and killing or injuring pets. A number of elderly inhabitants were taken to hospital suffering from shock and breathing problems.

The fire-fighting effort, involving the fire service, the National Guard and helicopters, including several from the British Bases, was strained by two other big fires. one between Pachna and Prastio and the other near Moniatis. Worst hit by the fire in Trimiklini valley was the village of Alassa, right on the southern edge of the Kourris dam, inhabitants to us that the flames reached the village at about 1 pm and before they knew it they were surrounded by an inferno. A cafe-restaurant on a hilltop overlooking the village was badly damaged and a carton factory near was completely destroyed in a thick cloud of billowing smoke. The flames leapt into the yards of private houses, destroying gardens and badly damaged and a killing or injuring pets. A number of elderly inhabitants were taken to hospital suffering from shock and breathing problems.

Кипрский флагCY +357-96-38-39-40      Российский флагRU +7 965 2 38-39-40      Украинский флагUA +38-073-738-39-40     WhatsApp WhatsApp     Messenger Messenger     Отправить сообщение Сообщение     email 24glo.ru@gmail.com

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