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Лечение на Кипре. Как получить медицинскую карту

Министерство здравоохранения Кипра предоставило эту информацию.


Заявление на медицинскую карту КипраЗаявление на медицинскую карту Кипра

Provision of Health Care

Health care is provided by the Government Medical Services and the private medical sector.

The Government Medical Services can be used by any person who chooses to be treated at a Government Medical Institution.

Free of charge or at reduced fees care is provided by the Government Medical Services to certain groups of the population as described below. Patients not belonging to these groups pay the fees prescribed from time to time.

The government medical institutions are administered by the Ministry of Health through the Department of Medical and Public Health Services and are financed by general taxation through the budget.

Persons making use of the private medical sector pay the fees out-of-pocket. Certain groups are covered by medical funds, operated by trade unions or employers. These funds provide full or partial coverage of medical expenses incurred by their members.

Government Health Services

The provision of health care services by the Government Medical Services is governed by the Government Medical Institutions and Services General Regulations of 2000 and 2007.


The Regulations distinguish the persons, who use the Government Medical Services, into the following categories:-

(a) Persons to whom services are provided free-of-charge

(i) The President of the Republic, the members of the Council of Ministers, the members of the House of Representatives

(ii) Active and retired civil servants, members of the educational service, of the police force and the armed forces

(iii) The dependants of (i) and (ii) above.

(iv) Members of families with 4 or more children

(v) Students of the University of Cyprus and certain other state educational institutions.

(vi) War pensioners

(vii) Persons in receipt of public assistance.

(viii) Single persons whose annual income does not exceed EUR 15.377,41 and members of families whose annual income does not exceed EUR 30.754,83 increased by EUR 1.708,6 for each dependent child.

(ix) Persons suffering from certain chronic diseases.

(b) Persons to whom services are provided at reduced fees

(i) Single persons whose annual income is between EUR 15.379,12 and EUR 20.503,22.

(ii) Members of families whose annual income is between EUR 30.756,53 and EUR 37.589,23 increased by EUR 1.708,6 for each dependent child.

(c) Paying Patients

Persons not coming under categories (a) and (b) can make use of the Government medical services against payment of the fees prescribed from time to time.

Paying patients may have the fees for costly in-patient treatment reduced, taking into account the level of their income.

Health Services Provided

The Health Services provided include:-

(i) Out-patient care by general practitioners and specialists care to both out-patients and inpatients.

(ii) The necessary drugs and pharmaceutical material

(iii) Diagnostic and paramedical examinations.

(iv) Hospitalisation

(v) Dental care, except for dentures which are provided to certain low income groups.

(vi) Medical rehabilitation and provision of prosthetic and orthopedic appliances.

(vii) Domiciliary visiting, in exceptional cases (for saving life or averting serious disability)

(viii) Transport of the patient as his condition requires.


Paying patients pay EUR 20,5 for a visit to a specialist and EUR 14,52 for a visit to a general practitioner. In addition they pay the fees prescribed for laboratory, radiology and all examinations and tests.

In-patient fees for paying patients are as follows:-

(a) for accommodation and nursing : EUR 123,02, EUR 102,52 and EUR 71,76, for 1st class, 2nd class and 3rd class ward, respectively and EUR 205,03 for intensive care

(b) for medical attendance: EUR 20,5 daily

(c) for drugs, curative material, laboratory and radiology tests and any other services: the fees prescribed.

Co-payments by persons entitled to free medical care

Persons entitled to free medical care pay EUR 2 per out-patient visit.

Recipients of Public Assistance benefit, invalidity pensioners and war pensioners, military personnel, medical personnel and persons over 65 years old, are exempted from any co-payment.

Persons entitled to free care by reason of status (state officials, civil servants etc) pay for each day of in-patient treatment EUR 20,5, EUR 10,25 and EUR 6,83 for stay in 1st class, 2nd class and 3rd class ward, respectively.

Persons entitled to medical care at reduced fees pay 50% of the fees payable by paying patients.

Private Health Sector

Private medicine is dominated by a large number of physicians in individual practice. A number of polyclinics have also been established in urban areas with a number of physicians offering a range of medical services.

European Health Insurance Card
European Health Insurance Card

European Health Insurance Card

Launched in June 2004, the EHIC or "Health Card" enables holders to access medical resources when travelling outside of their EU country of residence.

European residents who are covered by a social security scheme in their country of residence are entitled to a European Health Insurance Card (EHIC). The card simplifies the procedure when receiving unforeseen medical assistance during their visit to a member state. It should be carried when travelling within the European Economic Area, (i.e. the European Union, Norway, Iceland and Liechtenstein) and Switzerland. Each person travelling should have their own card.

The EHIC entitles the holder to the same treatment at the same cost as a national of that country. For example, if medical care is provided free of charge in the member state where treatment is required, the claimant will be entitled to free medical care on presentation of the card or an equivalent document.

Presentation of the EHIC guarantees reimbursement of the medical costs on the spot, or soon after returning home.

The card is only valid for state provided services and not private hospitals or treatments.

Residents of new member countries may not be able to use their EHIC card in certain Switzerland. It is suggested to verify with the social security administration in the country of residence prior to travel.

* For general information from the EU about the EHIC: http://ec.europa.eu/social/main.jsp?catId=559&langId=en

Note: Third-country nationals (from outside the EU/EEA) resident in the EU and holding an EHIC cannot use their EHIC in Norway, Liechtenstein or Switzerland. In Iceland, non EU/EEA nationals are only covered for emergency treatment. Holders of an EHIC in Denmark will only be eligible for free treatment in a public hospital in the event of:

* a sudden illness
* an unexpected aggravation of a chronic condition
* an emergency
* childbirth

EU citizens receiving pensions from their home country

As of 1 May 2010, the responsibility of issuing the EHIC is no longer with a person's state of residence, but with the state where a person is paying to or benefiting from the Social Security System. This affects people receiving pensions from their EU home country rather than their country of residency. A resident of Cyprus, receiving pension in for example the UK, should now apply for the EHIC card in UK.
The Card

The only personal information on the EHIC is the card holder's surname and first name, personal identification number and date of birth. The European health insurance card does not contain medical data. The card contains the same information in all countries where it is issued.

The duration of validity of the card varies from country to country.
Replacement of E Forms

The European Health Insurance Card replaces forms previously used within the EU:

* E111 and E111B used by tourists
* E110 used by international road transporters
* E128 used by students and people working in a Member State other than their own
* E119 used by people registered as unemployed and seeking work in another Member State

Note: The forms E111 (and others) have not been valid since 31 December 2005.
Getting an EHIC Card in Cyprus

The EHIC is issued by the applicant's country of residence: for example, a UK national who is legally resident in Cyprus must apply in Cyprus for their EHIC from the Cypriot government.

Cyprus residents can obtain an EHIC by submitting a completed application and supporting documents to the nearest hospital or the Ministry of Health. Cards are free of charge.


Ministry of Health

1448 Nicosia , corner Prodromou 1 and Hilonos 17
(old address At: 10 Markou Drakou Street, 1448 Lefkosia)
Tel: 605300/301, 22 400 207 / 22 305 354
Fax: 22 305 346
Website: www.moh.gov.cy
e-mail: ministryofhealth@cytanet.com.cy


Charges differ from country to country. In some countries, treatment is provided at full cost with reimbursement for a percentage available later, while in others only the actual costs that would be incurred by a resident of that country are charged up front.

A European Health Insurance Card (EHIC) entitles you to reduced-cost, sometimes free, medical treatment that becomes necessary while you're in a European Economic Area (EEA) country or Switzerland.

The EEA consists of the European Union (EU) countries plus Iceland, Liechtenstein and Norway. Switzerland applies the EHIC arrangements through an agreement with the EU.

The EHIC is valid in:
Austria, Belgium, Cyprus (but not Northern Cyprus)
Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany
Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Liechtenstein
Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Netherlands, Norway, Poland
Portugal, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland

What does the EHIC cover?

The EHIC is normally valid for three to five years and covers any medical treatment that becomes necessary during your trip, because of either illness or an accident.

The card gives access to state-provided medical treatment only, and you'll be treated on the same basis as an 'insured' person living in the country you're visiting. Remember, this might not cover all the things you'd expect to get free of charge from the NHS in the UK. You may have to make a contribution to the cost of your care.

The EHIC also covers any treatment you need for a chronic disease or pre-existing illness. You need to make arrangements in advance for kidney dialysis and oxygen therapy. To arrange for kidney dialysis while you're away, contact your NHS renal unit in the UK before you travel. For limited information on oxygen supply services in the EEA countries and Switzerland, call the Department of Health's Customer Service Centre on 020 7210 4850.

Remember that the EHIC won't cover you if getting medical treatment is the main purpose of your trip. You are advised to take out comprehensive private insurance for visits to all countries, regardless of whether you are covered by your EHIC.

Your EHIC should cover you for routine maternity care while you are away. However, if you are going to an EEA country or Switzerland specifically to have your baby, you will need an E112 form - see the 'Non-emergency treatment section' for more information.

Applying for a European Health Insurance Card

You can apply for a European Health Insurance Card (EHIC) online, by phone or by post.

You can apply for an EHIC for your spouse/partner and any children up to the age of 16 (or 19 if they are in full-time education) at the same time as applying for your own. If you are a foster parent or guardian (including boarding school teaching staff), you can apply on behalf of any children you are looking after. You must be over 16 to apply as a main applicant.

Regardless of how you apply, you will need to have the following information to hand for everyone you are applying for:

* Name and date of birth
* NHS or national insurance (NI) number.

In Scotland the NHS number is known as the Community Health Index (CHI) number and in Northern Ireland it is known as the Health and Care number.

The EHIC is issued by the Prescription Pricing Authority (PPA) and is free of charge.

Application For European Health Insurance Card (EHIC)

If you are a UK resident, you are entitled to medical treatment that becomes necessary, at reduced cost or sometimes free, when temporarily visiting a European Union (EU) country, Iceland, Liechtenstein, Norway or Switzerland. Only treatment provided under the state scheme is covered. However, to obtain treatment you will need to take a European Health Insurance Card (EHIC) with you. Please note: Not all UK residents are covered in Denmark, Iceland, Liechtenstein, Norway or Switzerland.

Applying For A Card

Applying online

The quickest and easiest way to apply for an EHIC is online. Your card will be delivered within seven days.

Applying by phone
To apply by phone, call 0845 606 2030 and have the information listed above ready. When your application is completed, your card will be delivered within 10 days.

Applying by post

To apply by post, print off the EHIC application form ( PDF below ) and once you have filled in the details post it to :

EHIC Applications
PO Box 1115
Newcastle upon Tyne
NE99 1SW

For a nominal fee, the Post Office will check your completed application form and forward it for processing. This service is optional.

There is space for up to four dependent children on the application form. If you apply online or by telephone, you can apply on behalf of more children.

Some people can only apply by post:

People who do not have British, other EU, EEA or Swiss nationality legally residing in the UK are entitled to a UK-issued EHIC but can only apply by post. You will need to send a photocopy of your proof of entitlement to reside in the UK (i.e. the visa stamp from your passport or your Home Office letter) as well as your completed application form.

Other people who are planning to live, work or study in an European Economic Area (EEA) country or Switzerland may also have to apply by post. See the 'Other circumstances affecting eligibility' section for more information.

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