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Кипр, Протарас. Поющие и танцующие фонтаны, магическое шоу, лазерное шоу на воде. Magic Dancing Waters

Protaras : Magic Dancing Water show
Protaras : Magic Dancing Water show
Magic Dancing Waters
Theme Park
Protaras - Cyprus

В летний период открыт с 01 мая по 31 октября

Summer Period 2010
MAY 1st - Oct 31st

Резервирование и информация

Bookings & Information

tel: 0035799623143
fax: 0035723825342


Стоимость представления поющие и танцующие фонтаны

9 евро (2010 год - 7,50 евро) для детей и 17 евро (2010 год - 15,50 евро) для взрослых
Семейный билет (2 взрослых, 2 детей) / family ticket 2 and 2 child - 42 euros

Местонахождение поющих фонтанов на Кипре

В центре Протараса за McDonalds.

Protaras : Magic Dancing Water show

Начало представления


Еда (в виде буфета заказывается отдельно)

12 евро для взрослых и 8 евро для детей.


за отдельную плату.

... Если планируете буфет - приезжайте за час.

... This show is a combination of dancing waters, laser animations, volcano eruptions, and dazzling flames. Watch the water dancing to the rhythm of the music, whirling up to 12 metres high or making amazing pirouettes and the laser animation journeys create a spectacle never experienced before. Show has been awarded the European Innovative Theme Park Contest 1st Prize.

... Since we had about an hour before the start of the show, we went for the buffet. There was enough food, and it all looked good – salads, meats (beef, pork, chicken, sausages), potatos, rice, dessert, fruits, etc. Plates were large enough to comfortably accomodate all the food, and an extra plate was available for fruits and sweets.

... Drinks were all extra. The menu was quite nice though – juices, soft drinks, tea and coffee, beers (small bottles only, unfortunately), some selection of wines, cocktails, spirits, etc. All at reasonable prices, except for beer.

... The hour went by quickly and the show started. The first ten or so minutes were very nice – all sorts of water dancing with music, and some smoke. Then it got boring for a bit. It looked like all the same. I had enough time to enjoy it as a regular spectator, as a photographer, as an engineer, as a grumpy Russian, as a proud Cypriot… and then I had some more free time on my hands. I was close to being disappointed.
But then, gladly, the real fun began. More water, more smoke, lasers kicked in, and the jewel of the show – fire. Lots of it. Insanely mixed too. And breathtaking it was!
The show continued for about an hour and it was worth every penny. If you are in doubt weather you should see it – go right away. You won’t regret.

Фотографии с Кипра, Протарас. Поющие и танцующие фонтаны, магическое шоу, лазерное шоу на воде. Magic Dancing Waters

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Кипрский флагCY +357-96-38-39-40      Российский флагRU +7 965 2 38-39-40      Украинский флагUA +38-073-738-39-40     WhatsApp WhatsApp     Messenger Messenger     Отправить сообщение Сообщение     email 24glo.ru@gmail.com

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