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Рабочая виза на Кипр на 5 лет. Для директоров международных компаний и ключевых сотрудников.

DATE 27 APRIL 2010
Third country national managers and key staff members of International Business Companies may apply to obtain an Immigration Permit on the basis of Category E (“Persons who have been offered permanent employment in the Republic, which will not create undue local competition”) referred to in Regulation 5 of the Aliens and Immigration Regulations of 1972.


- The applicant must be legally residing in Cyprus and in possession of a valid temporary residence and working permit (during the whole period of the application procedure, until issuing of the Immigration Permit)
- The applicant must be a manager or a key staff member of an international business company. Managers must have a minimum annual salary of 48.000 Euro, key staff members at least 24.000 Euro.


- Form M.67 to be completed (copies can be obtained at the Migration Office in Nicosia or at any local Immigration Office).
- Copy of a valid passport (we advise a remaining validity of at least 3 years)
- Copy of a valid temporary residence permit (“pink form”)
- Contract of employment (we advise valid for at least 5 years or better: with an unlimited or a revolving duration)
- Curriculum Vitae (including academic qualifications)
- Income tax returns for all the previous years the applicant was residing in Cyprus.
- Statement of Social Insurance Contributions for the previous year (original or true copy)
- Most recent statement(s) of bank account(s) (original)
- Income declaration from sources other than employment (if any)
- Title of ownership or rental agreement (original or true copy). If the title of ownership has not been obtained yet, the applicant must submit the deed of sale and proof of payment)
- Health Insurance Policy
- Criminal Record Certificate (can be issued by the Cyprus Police if the applicant resides in Cyprus since more than 6 months – see www.police.gov.cy – click “English” – click “Documents and Application Forms” and go to the bottom of the page to download)
- Marriage certificate (official translation, duly validated)
- Children’s birth certificate (official translation, duly validated).

The application form together with the above mentioned documents have to be submitted to the Civil Registry and Migration Office – Nicosia Headoffice (our advice) or to any local Immigration Office.

Family members:

The spouse and children of the applicant can obtain a similar Immigration Permit as long as they prove and continue to be dependants of the main applicant (i.e. they do not have an own employment or income).
They can also apply under the Family Reunification Law, which is slightly more complicated and this can be done only after the Immigration Permit has been issued to the main applicant. More about this procedure will follow in a next circular.


After verifying that the application is complete and all necessary documents have been submitted, the District Immigration Police will be asked to investigate the applicant(s) and issue their report. They may call the applicant(s) in for an interview.
Next, the Ministry of Interior will ask the District Office under which the applicant resorts to investigate the application and to draft their report. Some District Offices always invite the applicant(s) for an interview; others do this on a random base.
When the application is received by the responsible Immigration Officer in Nicosia (at present: Mrs. Eleftheria Kyriacou), together with the above reports, he/she will write a recommendation to the Immigration Control Board.
The application is finally approved and signed (or rejected) by the Minister of Interior, based on the recommendations of the Immigration Control Board.
This whole procedure can take up to 12 months and the applicant(s) have to make sure to continue to renew of their Temporary Resident Permit if it would expire during this time.


The main advantage of holding an Immigration Permit is that it does not have to be renewed as long as the holder continues to be employed by the same company. This considerably reduces the administrative burden of the periodical renewal of pink forms. Only when the passport in which the Immigration Permit has been placed expires, the holder has to have it transferred to his new passport, which is a simple formality. If the permit has been issued on a separate document we advise, in case of change of passport, to have the document adjusted with the new passport details.


Upon termination of the employment, the Immigration Permit is immediately cancelled and the holder has to (1) leave from Cyprus or (2) find another employment and apply for a new permit.
The Immigration Permit is valid for residence in the Republic of Cyprus only. However; holders can easily obtain travel visa (Schengen and other) from the relevant consular services.
If and when Cyprus will become a member of the Schengen Area, holders of an Immigration Permit will be allowed to travel visa-free within the Schengen Area.
At present the form in which the Immigration Permit is being issued (a handwritten document or a stamp in the passport) does not comply with the European Council Regulation 1030/2002 (see “Circulars/Downloads” – “EU Documents” on our website) which prescribes a uniform document for all Residence Titles issued by member states to Third Country Nationals.
We have drawn the attention of the Director of Civil Registry and Migration upon this inconvenience and she has pledged to have it investigated and corrected the soonest possible.
The contents of this circular are addressed to the members of the Cyprus International Businesses Association only. Distribution of this circular (or portions of it) to third parties without permission may be a violation of applicable law.

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