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Работа на Кипре для граждан Евросоюза. Какие документы для легального трудоустройства граждан ЕС и членов их семей.


Nationals from member states have the right to enter Cyprus by simply showing a valid EU passport or ID card without having to register upon arrival.

If there is an intention to stay and take up employment one has to:

a) Apply for a Registration Certificate. This application must be submitted within 4-months after entering Cyprus at the local Immigration Branch of the Police (a fine is imposed in case of non-compliance).

In applying for a registration certificate, the EU citizen must turn up personally at the Civil Registry and Migration Department (this service is for the time being, provided at the local Immigration Branch of the Police in all districts except Nicosia where a District Migration Office exists) and submit the following:

- A duly completed standard form (obtainable from Civil Registry & Migration Dept or from the local Immigration Branch of the Police) depending on the category of residence permit one is applying for (employed activity, self-employment etc.).
- Valid Passport or ID Card
- 2 photos
- A fee of €8,54)
(Note: if one is applying for dependants, he must present certified true copies of marriage certificate, birth certificates of children etc.).

b) apply for a social insurance number upon securing employment in Cyprus

The registration certificate is issued within 6 months from the date of application.

The application forms can also be downloaded from the website of the Ministry of Interior: http://moi.gov.cy (more information at +357 22804400 migration@crmd.moi.gov.cy)

It should be noted that a fine is imposed in the case of non-compliance (Law N7(I)/2007) and specifically a fine of €2.562,90 to any European national who works in the Republic without being registered.

The members of the family of a European national have to right to exercise an employed or self-employed activity in the Republic.

Кипрский флагCY +357-96-38-39-40      Российский флагRU +7 965 2 38-39-40      Украинский флагUA +38-073-738-39-40     WhatsApp WhatsApp     Messenger Messenger     Отправить сообщение Сообщение     email 24glo.ru@gmail.com

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