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Non-commercial movement of pet animals to Cyprus.



Legal framework
The Animal Health Laws and the Regulation (EC) No 998/2003, as well as every other community or national legislation in relation to it, constitute the legal basis for the non-commercial movement of pet animals. The Regulation (EC) No 998/2003 lays down the animal health requirements applicable to the non-commercial movement of pet animals (dogs, cats, ferrets) and the rules applying to checks on such movement.

Terms used in the text
v Pet animals
Dogs, cats, ferrets, invertebrates (except bees and crustaceans), ornamental tropical fish, amphibia, reptiles, birds (except poultry covered by Council Directives 2009/158/EC and 92/65/EEC), rodents and domestic rabbits.

v Movement of a pet animal
Any movement of a pet animal between Member States or its entry or re-entry into the territory of the Community from a third country.

v Non-commercial movement of a pet animal
Any movement of a pet animal which is accompanying its owner or a natural person responsible for the animal on behalf of the owner during its movement and is not intended to be sold or transferred to another owner.

v European Union Member State
A country which is a member of the EU.

v Third country
A country which is not a member of the EU.

v European Union Pet Passport
A document in the format set forth by the EU Commission Decision 2003/803/EC, which is issued by an authorised veterinarian. This document allows the pet animal to be clearly identified and includes indications according to which it is certified that the process followed and the animal’s health status are in compliance with the provisions in force.

v Health Certificate
A document in the format set forth by the EU Commission Decision 2011/874/EU, which is issued by an official veterinarian. This document allows the pet animal to be clearly identified and includes indications according to which it is certified that the process followed and the animal’s health status is in compliance with the provisions in force. The certificate is valid for four months after signature by the official veterinarian or endorsement by the competent authority, or until the date of expiry of the vaccination against rabies, which ever is earlier.

v Authorised Veterinarian
A registered veterinarian authorised by the Director of the Veterinary Services for the conduct of specific veterinary checks and identification procedures on pet animals.

v Official Veterinarian
A veterinarian employed by the Competent Authority.


Points of entry
Pet animals may enter Cyprus only from designated points of entry. The points of entry can be found here.
The entry of a pet animal from any other point is prohibited.

The entry points for animal species covered by the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora (CITES) are the Larnaka and Pafos International Airports and the Lemesos and Larnaka ports only.

Notification of arrival
The owner or the person responsible for a pet animal originating from a third country must communicate its arrival to the District Veterinary Office of the relevant point of entry, as well as all the necessary information about the date and time of arrival and the flight number or the ship's name. The information must be communicated at least 48 hours prior to the arrival.


A. General requirements

1. Identification
Every animal must be individually identified. An animal is considered identified when it bears either
ü a clearly readable tattoo (the tattoo, as a means of identification, will only be accepted only if has been applied before 3 July 2011) or
ü an electronic identification system (transponder - microchip).

Regardless of the form of the identification system, the information which would facilitate the verification of the owner's name, surname and address should also be attainable. The transponder (microchip) must comply with ISO standard 11784 and apply HDX or FDX-B technology and must also be capable of being read by a reading device compatible with ISO standard 11785. In the case where the transponder does not comply with the aforementioned standards, the owner/person responsible for the animal must provide the means necessary for reading the transponder at the time of any inspection. The identification of the animal must be performed prior to at least one vaccination against rabies and this must be indicated in the accompanying documents of the animal.

2. Vaccination against rabies
In order to be vaccinated, the animal must be at least three months old. The vaccination, or revaccination if applicable, must be in accordance with the recommendations of the vaccine's manufacturer and carried out either with an inactivated vaccine of at least one antigenic unit per dose according to the World Organization of Animal Health standards, or with a recombinant vaccine expressing the immunising glycoprotein of the rabies virus in a live virus vector. The use of live modified vaccines against rabies is not allowed. The completion of the protocol for the animal's primary vaccination must take place at least 21 days prior to the movement of the animal. Revaccinations (booster vaccinations) are valid from the date of administration, provided they are administered within the period of validity indicated by the manufacturer of the vaccine used in the previous vaccination. The vaccination will be considered as a primary vaccination in the absence of veterinary certification attesting the previous vaccination. The relevant documents ratifying the fulfilment of these requirements should be presented upon request during the inspection at the point of entry.

3. Age
Taking into account the abovementioned requirements, any pet animal entering the territory of the Republic of Cyprus must be at least 111 days old. The entry of pet animals aged less than 111 days old is prohibited regardless of the country of origin.

4. Breed
The entry of dogs of the following breeds is prohibited regardless of the country of origin.
· American Pit Bull Terrier or Pit Bull Terrier
· Japanese Tosa or Tosa Inu
· Dogo Argentino or Argentinian Mastiff
· Fila Brasileiro or Brazilian Mastiff

5. Transport
In the case of transport by air, the animals should be placed in containers which fulfil the requirements of the International Air Transport Association (IATA) specifications. For more information you may visit IATA´s website

In the case of transport by sea, the animals must be transported under conditions fulfilling the health and welfare provisions as foreseen by the legislation in force.

6. Maximum number of animals allowed
The movement of more than five pet animals per citizen is allowed provided that the third countries or territories the animals come from and any third countries or territories they transit are either listed in Section 2 of Part B or in Part C of Annex II to Regulation (EC) No 998/2003 or listed in Part 1 of Annex II to Regulation (EU) No 206/2010. The movement of more than five pet animals per citizen from other third countries is prohibited.

B. Special requirements

1. Entry from EU Member States

Accompanying documents
1. Passport certifying a valid anti-rabies vaccination. If more than five pet animals per citizen will be moved, within 24 hours prior to dispatch of the animals an authorised veterinarian must verify that the animals are in good health and able to withstand carriage to their destination and must document the clinical examination in Section IX of each animal’s passport.
2. Document verifying that the animal has arrived in Cyprus from another EU Member State.
3. If more than five pet animals per citizen will be moved a health certificate (one certificate for all animals) issued by an official veterinarian is required. The health certificate is laid down in Part 1 of Annex E to Directive 92/65/EEC.

2. Entry from third countries

Accompanying documents
1. Health Certificate for the movement of less than five animals (if less than five pet animals per citizen will be moved) or health Certificate for the movement of more than five animals (the movement of more than five pet animals per citizen is allowed provided that the third countries or territories the animals come from and any third countries or territories they transit are either listed in Section 2 of Part B or in Part C of Annex II to Regulation (EC) No 998/2003 or listed in Part 1 of Annex II to Regulation (EU) No 206/2010) and a passport (for countries which have notified the European Commission that they have adopted the passport model used in the EU and in the case of re-entry of a pet animal of EU origin), certifying a valid vaccination against rabies. A separate health certificate must be issued for each animal.
2. Document verifying that the animal has arrived in Cyprus either directly or transiting through an EU Member State from the third country or territory mentioned in the health certificate.
3. Rabies neutralising antibody titration (required in case that the country or territory not listed in section 2 of part B and in part C of annex II of the Regulation (EC) No 998/2003).
The neutralising antibody titer must be at least equal to 0,5 IU/ml and the titration must be carried out on a blood sample taken by an authorised veterinarian at least 30 days after vaccination and three months before the animal's movement. In other words, four months prior to the movement the animal must receive the primary anti-rabies vaccination, followed by blood sampling for neutralising antibody titration 30 days after that vaccination. The laboratory performing the titration must be approved by the EU. The titration does not have to be renewed on a pet animal which has been revaccinated at the intervals recommended by the vaccine's manufacturer. The three months period does not apply to the re-entry of a pet animal whose passport certifies that the titration was carried out, with a positive result, before the animal left the territory of the Community.

Pet animals from the territories listed in section 2 of part B of Annex II, shall be subject to the rules governing the entry from EU Member States, provided that it has been established that such territories apply rules at least equivalent to Community rules.

C. Conduct of checks

Upon arrival, every animal and its accompanying documents are inspected either by a Veterinary Officer or by a Customs Officer on duty. If the respective entry requirements for each case are met, the animal can enter into the territory of the Republic of Cyprus without the need of an import permit and without being subject to isolation in quarantine. Inspection fees are paid in the case of entry of a pet from a third country and whenever the entry requirements are not met.

D. Actions taken when a pet animal does not fulfil the provisions

Depending on the requirements which are not met, the pet animal may be:
· Returned to the country of origin (re-exported).
· Isolated in quarantine for as long as necessary for it to meet the health requirements. The duration of the quarantine cannot exceed a six-month period.
· Euthanised without any compensation to the owner or the person responsible for the animal, if re-exportation or isolation in quarantine for the required period is not feasible.

Furthermore, the owner or the person responsible for the animal is obliged to pay the legal inspection and quarantine fees as indicated in the legislation, plus VAT. Regardless of the animal's country of origin, quarantine takes place at private kennels which are registered and officially approved for that purpose. In the case of absence of such kennels, home quarantine will apply.


No harmonised legislation at EU level exists for the time being, as far as the remaining pet animal species is concerned, and therefore these species' entry in each EU Member State is governed by its national legislation. For the entry of pet animals other than dogs, cats and ferrets, an import permit issued by the Veterinary Services must be obtained prior to the movement.


The veterinary provisions in force governing the non-commercial movement of companion animals differ from one country to another. It is the responsibility of the pet owner or the person responsible for the animal to ensure that the animal meets the entry requirements of the country of destination and to obtain the necessary documents prior to the pet's movement.


Further information, including lists of countries and territories, lists of the EU approved laboratories and links for the national websites of Member States which have specific requirements for the entry of pet animals to their territory, can be obtained at the website of the Directorate General for Health and Consumer Protection (http://ec.europa.eu/food/animal/liveanimals/pets/index_en.htm)

and at the following contact points

Address of VETERINARY OFFICE in Cyprus.


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